Every week, we gather together at 2:30 PM to ultimately worship and glorify our Lord Jesus Christ. We are committed to the exposition of Scripture, and recognize that God builds His church through His infallible and inerrant Word.
Prayer Meetings are on hold, but typically meet before Sunday service.
Our Wednesday Worship exists to gather during the midweek to learn more from God’s Word, to be equipped for ministry, for accountability, for fellowship, and for prayer. We currently meet every Wednesday for discussion groups - Please join us at 7:30 pm.
Men’s and Women’s Ministry
We currently have a men’s group and a women’s group that both meet once a month. We use this time to discuss over an assigned book, to have deeper fellowship over discussions that might be more gender specific, and to pray for one another.
membership and Baptism classes
Scripture teaches that in salvation, God not only calls us to Himself, but also to His church. This is why, commitment to a local church is essential for the Christian life. To learn more, we offer membership classes for baptized believers who are interested in joining Emmaus.
For those who have come to salvation and have not yet been baptized, we also offer baptism classes.